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Plus Commodore 64, Sega Genesis, Atari 8-bit, MSX, Atari ST games and more
GamesNostalgia is a website entirely dedicated to retro gaming. All titles are already packedwith the proper emulator
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If you are looking forDoom, Civilization, Dune II, Lemmings, Warcraft I and II, The Settlers; or maybe the great LucasArts adventures, the Ultima series, and other amazing games from the '80s and '90s, you'll find them here. Most of them are DOS or Amiga games, but we also have Windows, Commodore 64, Atari ST, and other systems. Best mac video game controller. Enjoy the nostalgia!
Remember, GamesNostalgia it's not like other abandonware sites: we tested, configured, and packed all the games with the proper emulatorso that you can run them immediately on your Windows or Mac computer.No need to install anything else, just play. Only GamesNostalgia does that, seriously!
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Have a look at the most popular retro games or check the new arrivals. You can also browse the games database or read the latest stories about the best titles or the most celebrated game designers of the past.