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Mar 10, 2020 Virtual machines let users emulate one operating system within another, which means you can have the best of all the software worlds. Don't stick with just what Windows or MacOS offers you, expand.
- Browse the newest, top selling and discounted macOS supported games New and Trending Top Selling What's Being Played Upcoming Results exclude some products based on your preferences-40%. Astrela Starlight. Indie, Adventure, RPG.
- The PlayStation VR is the best-selling virtual reality headset, and there's really only one reason for that: it hooks right up to a PS4. You don't need a high-end phone or PC to run this basic VR.
The HTC Vive currently offers the best combination of performance, hardware compatibility, and supported games and apps to really get the most out of the experience. With more developers offering support every day, this is the platform you want to have attached to your iMac Pro.
Our Pick
HTC Vive
The best VR Headset for Mac fans.
With the only out-of-the-box whole room VR set up available today and it's killer collection of games and apps on Steam, HTC's Vive headset is an obvious winner for anyone looking to have tons of fun.
Who should buy this VR headset
If you're looking for a VR headset with native macOS support, both in hardware and software, this is the best route for you to go. But even without that native support through Steam VR, the HTC Vive is the most accurate whole room VR system you can buy today. Just set up the tracking boxes, fire up Steam, and get ready to lose a few hours in VR.
Is it a good time to buy this headset?
HTC just recently dropped the price on this headset, both to compete with others in the market and make room for the commercial-focused HTC Vive Pro headset, so now is the perfect time to pick up a Vive. It's not likely to see another price drop anytime soon, and this is the default headset for most developers building things for the Steam VR right now.
Reasons to buy
- Great build quality
- TONS of accessories
- Mac-supported games list grows daily
- Tracking system is scary accurate
Reasons not to buy
- Display resolution in the headset could be better
- Front camera doesn't get used for much
- Significant set up required
VR Headsets don't really support the Mac much right now
Feeding into the false narrative that most Mac users aren't gamers, there isn't a lot of great VR support for macOS. Windows Mixed Reality only supports Windows, Oculus Rift started to support the Mac years ago and then abruptly stopped, and it's taken a long time for things to change.
But Apple and Valve and HTC have been working together to fix this. Apple has added eGPU support to macOS so just about every Mac can be turned into a VR-ready machine, and releasing more capable machines like the iMac Pro to handle it natively. Coupled with a ton of work to make sure VR developers can easily publish Mac-friendly games to Steam VR and HTC's Vive supporting the Mac through this platform, everything has come together to ensure this is the best possible solution for anyone who owns a Mac, but especially those who own an iMac Pro.
Alternatives to the HTC Vive
If you're not concerned about how much things cost or what the state of the stable version of the software is, there are other VR headsets you can consider. HTC's other headset, the Vive Pro, asks a lot more from your PC in order to correctly function but the level of realism you get in the headset is ridiculous.
HTC Vive Pro
Unparalleled performance in a pretty blue package.
This headset combines stunning visuals, impressive audio, and a depth-sensing camera system to create an incredibly powerful VR experience.
HTC's Vive Pro is not made for the average VR fan. It's the headset you expect to see when you go to a VR arcade, or when you're seeing a professional demo at a mall kiosk. The 2K displays, built-in headphones, and massively updated tracking system built to support multiple headsets in much larger spaces all come together to create an unrivaled experience. But to get that experience you have to pay quite a bit, both in money and in processing power. Only the highest end iMac Pro will even support this headset, and even then the GPU is not capable of pushing this headset to its fullest potential. You'd need an eGPU to really make this VR headset do everything it was designed to do, but the end result is so very pretty.
Best Virtual Reality Systems
Bottom line
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VR on a Mac is both possible and fantastic these days, as long as you have the right hardware to accompany your shiny new iMac Pro. An HTC Vive transforms your whole room into a portal to new worlds, and does so at a relatively low price. But if you want to go all out and really show off, the HTC Vive Pro is there to really crank things up a notch.
Either way you're in for a good time, but the HTC Vive is going to be the best option for most folks.
Credits — The team that worked on this guide
Russell Holly is a Contributing Editor at iMore. He lives for the shiniest new thing, and loves explaining its potential to improve your life. Whatever you do, don't tell his spouse about the drawer full of tech under the bed.
iMac Pro
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💻 🖥 🍎 ❤️Every Mac you can buy from Apple in 2020

Apple's Mac laptop and desktop lineup is more versatile than you may realize.
Developers and enthusiasts alike will soon be able to explore Virtual Reality right from the Mac, which is great news for everyone. If you're new to what options are available with VR, or you're curious what the differences will be between VR on a Mac and VR elsewhere, this FAQ will walk you through the basics.
Why didn't VR work on the Mac before? What changed?
Virtual Reality is a combination of multiple technologies, but the big thing which pulls them all together is the VR headset. There are several available to purchase today, but in order to provide a quality visual experience inside the headset, there are certain hardware and software requirements which must be met. The two biggest requirements, a high-end graphics card and support from particular gaming engines, had not previously been met by Apple.
At WWDC, Apple announced support for eGPU enclosures, so bigger graphics cards can be added to MacBooks without compromising the historically quiet experience from these computers. In addition, the first iMac Pro to be released later this year will have internal hardware capable of supporting VR headsets with no additional hardware.
Apple has also announced support from Unity, Unreal Engine, and SteamVR. These three critical software components ensure a significant majority of VR apps and games currently enjoyed elsewhere will be supported on the Mac.
What is an eGPU enclosure?
For this purpose, it's a box designed to sit alongside your computer and hold large desktop-class graphics cards. This enclosure is connected to your Mac over Thunderbolt 3 and allows your Mac to use that graphics card as though it were installed in your computer. With support from this more capable graphics card, your Mac will have enough graphics power to drive a VR headset.
Currently, Apple is offering a $599 bundle to developers with an enclosure made by Sonnet and an AMD Radeon RX 580 graphics card, but when macOS High Sierra is available this fall, there will be multiple graphics cards and enclosures for consumers to choose between for this setup.
What else does my Mac need to handle VR?
Best Virtual Reality Games For Mac Download
There are currently no minimum system requirements available specifically for the Mac, but HTC lists this as the minimum system requirements for Windows PCs.
- Processor: Intel Core i5-4590 or AMD FX 8350
- Graphics card: NVIDIA GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290
- RAM: 4GB
Apple started using the Intel Core i5-4590 in the iMac starting with the 27-inch 5K model released in Mid 2015 and the MacBook Pro started using this model or greater in the Early 2015 models. This means if you have something newer than a Mid-2015 iMac or MacBook, you have the processor needed to run VR applications. As long as you also have 4GB of RAM, you will meet the minimum requirements when you add an eGPU enclosure with your graphics card of choice.
Which VR headsets are supported?
The only VR headset on display and in demos at WWDC right now is the HTC Vive. This headset is powered by the SteamVR platform, which was announced as part of the VR for Mac support package and offers the most complete VR experience for users at the moment.
That having been said, SteamVR supports multiple VR headsets, so it's likely we will see additional headsets supported before the Fall.
How do I get started?
Developers can head to Apple's support documentation right now for information on how to get started with VR for the Mac and Metal 2. According to Epic Games, Unreal Engine will be available in preview form starting in September and officially released for High Sierra in October.
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If you are not a developer, the best thing for you to do right now is wait for the official release of macOS High Sierra. If you want to get ready for VR in your home or office, check out the Ultimate Guide to HTC Vive from our friends at VR Heads to get yourself fully prepared for VR on your Mac!
Virtual Reality: What you need to know!
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