Game ROMs to Download for FREE
Emulator.Games provides a simple way for you to download video game ROMs and play them on your computer or online within your browser. Emulators are provided that can play the ROM you download. Start playing your favorite Nintendo and Sony game consoles such as GBA, SNES, NES, GBC, N64, NDS, PSP, PS2, PSX, WII and Gameboy ROMs. We also have downloadable ROMs for other game emulators such as ATARI, SEGA, XBOX, DREAMCAST and MAME. All of the ROMs are easy to find with fast downloading speeds and play on all your devices in high quality.
Commodore C64 Emulator for Mac OS X Commodore 64 / C64 - It is in the year 1982 that Commodore 64 was introduced by Commodore International Ltd. To the market. Many users prefer this system over the PC because it comes in many features and advantages.
Dolphin is a Wii and Gamecube emulator. It has been ported to libretro and an alpha version of the core is available now for Windows and Linux! Version for macOS will be released at a later date.
- Enjoy your favorite Commodore64 games on your Apple Macintosh! Power64 is an emulator for the Commodore C64. It allows you to run your favorite C64 software on your Apple Macintosh (with PowerPC or intel-CPU (with Rosetta)) at full speed with smooth graphics and great sound.
- Another excellent C64 emulator, this one also emulators other C= computers such as the C128, Vic-20 etc. For other MS Windows (64 bit etc.) and other computer versions visit the Vice website. C64 Forever Easy to use C64 emulation suite. 100+ included games.
For more information on Dolphin, visit the author's website here.
Commodore 64 Emulator Mac
See also our in-depth article here.

Citra is a 'work in progress' Nintendo 3DS emulator.
Core available now for Windows and Linux. Version for macOS will be released at a later date.
For more information on Citra, visit the author's website here.
See also our in-depth article here.
OpenLara is an early Tomb Raider game engine recreation.
Core available now for Windows/Linux.
For more information, read our article on this release here.
It uses the original data files in order to work. What is nice about this one is that it has some very fancy graphics effects that it adds on top of the old game engine without it resulting in any stylistic clashes.
melonDS is a 'work in progress' Nintendo DS emulator.
Core available now for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
C64 Emulator Mac Games Free
For more information on melonDS, visit the author's website here.
See also our in-depth article here.
SameBoy is a highly accurate Game Boy/Game Boy Color emulator.
Core available now for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
For more information on SameBoy, visit the author's website here.
PX-68K is a Sharp X68000 emulator. This is a Japanese home computer from the late '80s/early '90s that was used by Capcom as devkits for their arcade games. It played host to many popular games from the likes of Namco, Konami and Capcom.
Core available now for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
Mac pro dual gpu gaming. Kind of unfair to the high apple price tag but we are gamers here.something weird: I cannot find out what a FirePro D300 or FirePro D500 is.
For more information, read our article on this release here.