The goal of Checkers, or 'Draughts', is to remove all your opponent's pieces from the board. Use your mouse to move your pieces around the board. Your pieces can only move forward one tile diagonally (they always stay on the brown tiles).

Mar 20, 2020 We know that our opinions are not the only ones that matter. To keep this guide as relevant as possible, we only considered proven games with positive reviews from both professional reviewers and average gamers. Pricing: How much are these Mac games REALLY? As we mentioned before, there’s a distinction between free and free-to-play (F2P).
Cool Mac Only Games 2017
To capture an opponent's piece and remove it from the board, you need to 'jump' over their piece with one of yours. The incredible machine game for mac.
Cool Mac Only Games Download
If one of your pieces gets to the opposite side of the board (your opponent's back row), it will turn into a King. Kings can move and jump diagonally in any direction (remember, your regular pieces can only move forward). They can even combine jumps forward and backward on the same turn!
The good news is we have Steam Play, which means that when you purchased your game on Steam you get a copy of this game on each OS that game supports. You will still be able to play these games on macOS 10.14 Mojave and earlier, Windows and in many cases Linux as well. Options to keep 32-bit Mac games playable on a Mac computer. MacOS on Steam Browse the newest, top selling and discounted macOS supported games New and Trending Top Selling What's Being Played Upcoming Results exclude some products based on your preferences-40%. Astrela Starlight. Indie, Adventure, RPG, Simulation. How to update your Steam install to 64-bit before macOS Catalina. The problem is with the Steam client on your Mac. Even if you have shortcuts to your favorite games, they all launch through. Steam won't launch Mac OS X Mojave Close. Steam won't launch Mac OS X Mojave. Really bugged about not being able to play any of the games that I've paid for. Do you know of any other potential workarounds? When I re-launched the app it loaded an update and finally took me to the Steam login. Jun 03, 2019 Steam works for Catalina already. When you upgrade to Catalina, your currently installed Steam version will not work. Delete it and re-download the app from Steam. It downloads a working version then. However, many games (including 64-bit ones) seem not to work yet. Of course, as others have mentioned, do not use betas as your primary operating.

Cool Mac Only Games 2017
You win by removing all of your opponent's pieces from the board, or if your opponent can't make a move.